An integral element of our Linux hosting platform is our custom Web Hosting Control Panel. It’s the only Web Hosting Control Panel you have to log on to in order to manage your web presence, which eliminates the necessity for any additional panels. You can effortlessly administer your websites, your domain names and your payment transactions from one location.

Our Web Hosting Control Panel is intended to make it easier for you to manage your website. It is simple to browse through and you can quickly move from one section to another no matter where you’re. All the tools that we have added are intuitive and user–friendly, so there is no real learning curve. And we’ve integrated numerous other free–of–charge tools that will help you with any assignment – from speeding up and customizing your current sites to creating brand new web sites.

File Manager

Manage your files and directories with a mouse click

With the File Manager featured in the Web Hosting Control Panel, you’ll have one of the most powerful web file management tools in your hands. With it, you can upload files by simply dragging them into your browser. You can move files and directories in your account by dragging and dropping them. You can unarchive uploaded archives.

You can also right–click on a given file or folder to see these functions.

File Manager

Mail Account Manager

Working with email box accounts can be really simple and easy

Working with e–mails is easy. However, administering mailboxes can be hard. This is where our Mail Account Manager comes to help. It permits you to not only quickly set up new and modify active electronic mail accounts, but to also easily redirect e–mails, to activate mail filters, to activate email spam protection, etc., via a user–friendly interface.

And in case you work with a mail client, you can make use of our auto–configuration scripts for the most popular mail clients for Windows and Linux. All you have to do is download a configuration file and your mail client will instantaneously set up your new e–mail box.

Mail Account Manager

Domain Names Manager

Managing multiple domains at a time is very easy

If you own several domains, managing them with normal Control Panel tools can be problematic. The Web Hosting Control Panel–integrated Domain Names Manager enables you to manage all your domain names simultaneously.

If you have multiple domain names, you can also allocate different labels to them. In this way, you can swiftly filter your domain names and find just the ones that you want.

Domain Names Manager

A selection of over 40 different web apps to install

A selection of over 40 different web apps to install

Manual app installation can be difficult. For this reason, we have built an automatic Web Applications Installer, which will get the job done for you. It features more than 40 popular apps and we’ve made the installation process as easy as possible. All you really need to do is insert the administrative user name and pass. Our smart tool will handle the rest on your behalf.

It also keeps a logfile of the installed apps and the used user names and passwords. That way, even if you fail to remember your password, you can always verify what it is in our Web Hosting Control Panel.

A selection of over 40 different web apps to install

Web Accelerator Programs

Your website will now be much faster

If have some experience creating and customizing sites, we’ve got some excellent Web Accelerator Programs for you. Memcached, Varnish and Node.js are built right into the Web Hosting Control Panel. Using them, you will be able to increase your website’s loading speed by tenfold.

Web Accelerator Programs

Stats Manager

Be thoroughly informed about your website statistics without 3rd–party software applications

Usually, to find out what’s going on with your site visitors, you have to open an account with a 3rd–party company, to get tracking code from them, to add it on every single page on your site and to wait for the stats themselves. With our Stats Manager, all you need to do is put your website online.

We will handle all the statistics automatically for you, without you having to customize anything on your end. At any time, you’ll be able to find out exactly how many people have dropped in on your site lately and how much time they’ve spent on it. Moreover, you will have access to real–time statistics about the most–visited pages, the pages on which your visitors first land when opening your website, the pages from which they exit your site and more.

Stats Manager

Database Manager

Set up and back up your databases with one single click

Databases are an integral part of any web app – it’s where all the information is located. With our Database Manager, you’ll have an easy–to–use tool at your disposal, which will enable you to manage both your MySQL and PgSQL databases with just several mouse clicks.

We’ve streamlined the database setup procedure, so you can now create a brand new database in seconds. We also offer you a one–click database backup possibility. And if you install a new app, we can automatically create the database instead of you.

Database Manager

VPN Access

Risk–free access to the cyberspace

If you have to access a website outside a firewall, or if you prefer to surf the Internet incognito, then we’ve got the solution for you. It is available in our Web Hosting Control Panel. With our VPN access option, you will be able to browse the World Wide Web safely using your desktop computer, notebook or feature phone no matter where you are.

You can choose the physical location of the VPN server yourself. We’ve got datacenter facilities in different countries on different continents.

VPN Access
  • Help Center
  • Website Optimization Tools

  • The Control Panel is designed with a range of Website Optimization Tools such as an RSS News Feeds tool, a Sitemap Generation tool and also a GeoIP redirection tool that will help you market your websites.

  • Easy to Install
  • Website Installer

  • We provide you an effective way to kick off a new website online with just a click of the mouse. No technological knowledge are expected on your part. Only pick a style and design for your website and let us know what your website name is going to be. We’ll do the rest for you.

  • 24x7 Suport
  • Free Site Building Tool

  •’s web based Free Site Building Tool can help you launch your online presence right now with simple point & click movements. No HTML/CSS abilities will be required from you. Over one hundred templates available.

  • Service guarantees

  • Each of our plans is configured for your needs totally free. 30 day reimbursement. 99.9% service uptime. 1 hour reply time frame.
  • Compare our prices

  • Have a look at our prices and choose the right website hosting solution for your personal or company web sites. It is easy to migrate to a more advanced package with a click.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Contact Us

  • We are available for you in business hours to answer any sort of requests regarding’s cloud website hosting service.