We’ve integrated a group of Web Accelerator Programs to your Web Hosting Control Panel that can help you effortlessly improve the online operation of your web sites. You won’t have to alter anything in the backend code or produce specific configurations that demand technical experience from you. Inside the Web Hosting Control Panel, just choose the tool you want to apply – Node.js, Varnish and Memcached and set up an instance for it. It’s all carried out with a click of the mouse. By speeding up your websites, you’ll not just prevent your visitors from needing to wait around but will also make your website get a better position in search engine listings.
You can find the Web Accelerator Programs inside the Advanced Applications section of your Web Hosting Control Panel.
RAM–saving in place of data base calls
The Memcached system is ideal for boosting website loading speeds by caching the database information that is required from your visitors. It’s a robust distributed memory object caching platform, which allows for data and objects to be stored within the RAM rather then getting loaded whenever an individual visits a page.
This system is perfect for your data–base–loaded web sites or web applications where your web visitors dedicate lots of time browsing and checking out information. Memcached is found in the advanced applications area of the Web Hosting Control Panel.
RAM–storing as an alternative for HTTP calls
You’ll find various solutions to boost a site, however, most of these need a developer to rewrite the code. There are more easy–to–use solutions for quickening a web site, just like the Varnish web accelerator instrument incorporated into the Web Hosting Control Panel.
Varnish is a caching HTTP reverse proxy, which keeps HTTP queries within the server memory and returns them to the visitor in contrast to waiting around for the web server to return them. Trials prove that implementing Varnish on a site or an application in most cases quickens website loading times with a 300 – 1000x factor. Varnish may also be set up how to handle newly arriving calls – if they need to be returned by Varnish, by the web server, and so forth.
Intended for establishing quick as well as adaptable web apps
Web programmers can use Node.js for setting up all types of cutting–edge and also affordable tools like market measurement platforms, live apps and content management systems, to name a few. It’s really fast and scalable and is also supported by a proactive online community that helps to keep promoting and sustaining it.
Node.js is based on the Google V8 JavaScript engine and additionally makes use of an event–driven, non–blocking I/O model that produces its API adaptable and upgradeable. This groundbreaking formula helps programmers to fast construct top rated apps using only one language.