Customer Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A 1–Hour Ticket Response Guarantee

  • All your support requests will be dealt with in maximum one hour after the support ticket or e–mail has been submitted. If your case calls for additional assistance from an admin, we will forward the ticket or the email to the person on duty, in a timely manner and we will leave a note to let you know that more time will be needed for discovering the best solution. If you order our Managed Services package, any of the tasks included there will be executed whenever you decide.

  • Top quality support service
  • A Top–Notch Client Support Service

  • We will be available to you 24x7 to answer any inquiries that you may have related to our Web Hosting Control Panel and any of the applications that we have preinstalled for your convenience on the dedicated hosting server. In case you also need support handling server management tasks, order our Managed Services package, which includes backup disk space, OS updates every week, server monitoring and restarting procedures, plus troubleshooting and installation procedures.

  • Intuitive help center
  • An Easy–to–Navigate Help Area

  • Every dedicated server comes with our charge–free Web Hosting Control Panel, which offers an in–depth knowledgebase and a collection of instructional video tutorials. Whenever you need help with the Web Hosting Control Panel, just hit the Help or Videos buttons in the top right corner.